It was always exciting for me to celebrate new year. I always jump for joy and wish that I would grow a little bit taller. Wait for the trill of counting down of a few more seconds to come before another year would pass and hope for the best in the coming year. New year has always given me hope for another resolution in my life but then again as i think of it, the happiness of my new year will never be the same again.It has been a year since my grandmother had passed away and she died on new year's eve. It's sad to imagine how fire works would only remind me and my family of the loneliness we had encountered last year and every end of the year it wouldn't be a happy new year for us after all.This is why I can no longer relate to those people who celebrate new year for hope, joy and resolution. I guess it will take time for my family to move on from the death of my grand mother and while other people are celebrating, my family will just be mourning this new year's eve.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
picture source: www.yahoo.com
I understand that you feel bad every time you celebrated New Year without your grand father. It shows that you were closed to your grandfather. Anyway that’s life. Just be thankful that your parents are still there for you. Be thankful also for having such blessings from god. It’s hard to say goodbye to those people you don’t want go, but sometimes letting go is a way to start new life, new beginning new history. So I hope you already overcome those sentiments and have prosperous New Year in 2008
Hi there, I must say that during these happy celebrations in our life, you are not alone in remembering special persons who already passed away. This year is also a sad one for me because my mother just passed away last year. This is the first Christmas and New Year wherein we did not celebrate as a family with her. I wish she could be with us but you know, we can’t do anything about it. It was all planned by God. But for you, I would be very happy if you will not be sad anymore next year. I am sure your grandmother does not like you to become sad. I am sure that wherever she is right now, she is already happy because she could see your happiness and how you grow. I am sure that she only left your family and you, physically. But in the real essence, she is still there with you, guiding you and always looking at you, if you are safe or not. Adjustments are all what we need right now. Just always remember that there would always people who will be with you whenever you are feeling sad. Just like me, a friend who could listen to all your sad sentiments. For now, I bid you good bye and I hope you will be writing a next happy blog entry.
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